New helium liquifier is running!
2021. May 13.
The new helium liquifier, supplying several research groups have been succesfully installed.
2021. May 13.
The new helium liquifier, supplying several research groups have been succesfully installed.
2021. April 19.
The results of the "Self-assembly and Self-organization Group" in a collaboration with Professor Eugenia Kumacheva from the University of Toronto on the self-assembly of nanoparticles and molecules in periodic structures has been published in Science Advances.
2021. March 14.
The new dilution fridge of the quantum electronics group has arrived!
2021. February 17.
The results of the nanoelctronics group on memory effects revealed by advanced correlation methods have been recently published in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
2021. February 17.
The results of the nanoelectronics group on noise tailoring appeared in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.
2020. December 16.
The device, thinner than a hair, can sense tiny changes of magnetic fields. Experimental work published in Nano Letters by BME's Péter Makk and co-authors at Uni Basel.
2020. November 29.
The group was in focus of the recent episode of Novum TV.
2020. October 09.
Two interviews with BME physics students and physicists, on training and career opportunities, broadcasted in the popular Hungarian STEM podcast series "Miénk a pálya!".