Seminars / Events
2023. 01. 11. 10:15
Stanislav Kamba (Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
2022. 05. 23. 10:00
Simone Gasparinetti (Chalmers)
2022. 05. 02. 14:00
Valle Fatemi (Cornell)
2022. 04. 11. 10:00
Pertti Hakonen (Aalto)
2022. 04. 04. 10:00
Caglar Girit (College de France, CNRS Paris)
2022. 01. 31. 10:15
Árpád Pásztor (UniGen)
2022. 01. 17. 10:15
Marco Gobbi (NanoGune)
2021. 12. 06. 10:00
Kasper Grove-Rasmussen (Niels Bohr Institute, Uni. Copenhagen)
2021. 11. 22. 10:15
Thomas Kanne (Niels. Bohr Institute, Coppenhagen)
2021. 11. 15. 10:15
Christoph Strunk (Uni. Regensburg)
2021. 08. 26. 14:00
Pavol Neilinger (Comenius Uni, Bratislava)
2021. 05. 10. 09:15
Péter Nemes-Incze (Wigner-MFA)
2021. 02. 22. 13:00
Peter Rickhaus (ETHZ)