2022. March 24.
Short video introducing the Quantum Information National Laboratory, featuring BME physicists Szabolcs Csonka, Ádám Gali, Máté Kedves, and Gergely Zaránd.
2022. March 24.
Short video introducing the Quantum Information National Laboratory, featuring BME physicists Szabolcs Csonka, Ádám Gali, Máté Kedves, and Gergely Zaránd.
2022. March 12.
The researchers of the Complex Magnetic Structures group revelead magnetic skyrmions with size smaller than 10 nm in a bulk material. The study appeared in npj Quantum Materials.
2022. January 19.
BME Physics researchers report a new and efficient way to create nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond using neutron irradiation. Published in Carbon.
2021. December 08.
Our colleague received the famous life
2021. November 29.
Sándor Kollarics, PhD student at the Department of Physics, wins first prize at BME's outreach contest by an expository description of his research results.
2021. November 14.
The manuscript of the quantum elctronics group on Shiba states published together with the exotic quantum phases group was awarded the best publication prize at the university.
2021. November 04.
The results of the Quantum electronics group on tuning superconducting metals by gate electrodes has appeared in Nano Letters.
2021. October 18.
The work of the quantum electronics group together with the EHTZ group on the pressure tuning of the bands of magic angle twisted double bilayer graphene appeared in Nano Letters.