Dispersion of the Fukushima contamination
2016. February 11.
István László Lagzi and his co-authors publish a study in Scientific Reports on the dispersion of radioctive materials in the atmosphere.
2016. February 11.
István László Lagzi and his co-authors publish a study in Scientific Reports on the dispersion of radioctive materials in the atmosphere.
2015. November 18.
A new study of the Magneto-optical Spectroscopy Group is published in Science Advances.
2015. November 11.
More than 140 high-school students visited the Open Day of the BUTE Faculty of Natural Sciences.
2015. November 05.
Ágnes Gubicza wins a shared BUTE Research Prize. Ádám Butykai, Endre Tóvári, and Szabolcs Vajna are also among the prize recipients.
2015. October 20.
Our colleague Péter Makk won the Bolyai Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
2015. October 20.
The 2nd Grandmaster PhD Workshop in Physics was held at our Institute.
2015. October 20.
A new family of skyrmions is discovered by an international collaboration, led by Sándor Bordács and István Kézsmárki from the MTA-BME Lendület Magneto-optical Spectroscopy Research Group.
2015. October 20.
A new "Lendület" research group, led by Professor Ferenc Simon, is launched at the Department of Physics.