New helium liquefier
2017. September 18.
The Department of Physics will establish a new helium liquefier in a regional collaboration.
2017. September 18.
The Department of Physics will establish a new helium liquefier in a regional collaboration.
2017. August 18.
The Hungarian team won 1 gold and 4 silver medals at the International Physics Olympiad for high-school students.
2017. May 18.
Szabolcs Csonka was awarded the prestigious grant from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to establish a research group at the Department of Phyics at BME.
2016. December 02.
PhD student Bence Gábor Márkus was awarded 2nd Prize at the BMe Research Competition.
2016. November 24.
The joint work of Tímea Nóra Török and Dániel Molnár of the Department of Phyiscs was awarded 1st prize and the Rector's Award.
2016. October 25.
The Open Day of the Faculty of Natural Science took place on October 15.
2016. September 23.
István Kézsmárki (pictured) of the Department of Physics, and our former colleague Balázs Dóra, have been promoted to full professor.
2016. September 10.
Ágnes Gubicza and Dávid Szaller, PhD students at our department, were awarded the ÚNKP Fellowship of the Ministry of Human Capacities.