Egyetemi tanár
F I. 1. em. 13.
simon.ferenc (at)
+36 1 463 3816

Kísérleti Fizika 3/Experimental Physics 3
Physics of Semiconductors:
Félvezetők fizikája:
ORCID identifier:
ISI WoS Researcher ID: G-7580-2011
Scopus Author ID: 23036490400
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Kiemelt publikációk
10 Selected publications:
- F. Simon, A. Jánossy, T. Fehér, F. Murányi, S. Garaj, L. Forró, C., Petrovic, S. L. Bud'ko, G. Lapertot, V. G. Kogan, P. C. Canfield: Anisotropy of Superconducting MgB2 as Seen in Electron Spin Resonance and Magnetization Data, Physical Review Letters. 87, 047002 (2001).
- F. Simon, Ch. Kramberger, R. Pfeiffer, H. Kuzmany, V. Zólyomi, J. Kürti, P. M. Singer, and H. Alloul: Isotope Engineering of Carbon Nanotube Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett 95, 017401 (2005).
- F. Simon, H. Kuzmany, B. Nafradi, T. Feher, L. Forro, F. Fulop, A. Janossy, A. Rockenbauer, L. Korecz, F. Hauke, and A. Hirsch: Magnetic fullerenes inside single-wall carbon nanotubes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 136801 (2006).
- A. Kiss, A. Pályi, Y. Ihara, P. Wzietek, P. Simon, H. Alloul, V. Zólyomi, J. Koltai, J. Kürti, B. Dóra, and F. Simon: Enhanced NMR Relaxation of Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquids and the Magnitude of the Carbon Hyperfine Coupling in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 187204 (2011).
- Péter Boross, Balázs Dóra, Annamária Kiss & Ferenc Simon: A unified theory of spin-relaxation due to spin-orbit coupling in metals and semiconductors, Scientific Reports 3, 3233 (2013).
- Szolnoki, L ; Kiss, A ; Dora, B ; Simon, F: Spin-relaxation time in materials with broken inversion symmetry and large spin-orbit coupling. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 7, 9949 (2017).
- Szirmai, P ; Maarkus, BG ; Dora, B ; Fabian, G ; Koltai, J ; Zolyomi, V ; Kurti, J ; Nafradi, B ; Forro, L ; Pichler, T, F. Simon: Doped carbon nanotubes as a model system of biased graphene, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 96, 075133 (2017).
- M, Negyed ; J, Palotás ; B, Gyüre ; S, Dzsaber ; S, Kollarics ; P, Rohringer ; T, Pichler ; F, Simon: An optically detected magnetic resonance spectrometer with tunable laser excitation and wavelength resolved infrared detection, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 88, 013902 (2017).
- I, Gresits ; Gy, Thuróczy ; O, Sági ; B, Gyüre ; B G, Márkus ; F, Simon: Non-calorimetric determination of absorbed power during magnetic nanoparticle based hyperthermia, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8, 12667 (2018).
- Csosz, G ; Markus, BG ; Janossy, A ; Nemes, NM ; Muranyi, F ; Klupp, G ; Kamaras, K ; Kogan, VG ; Bud'ko, SL ; Canfield, PC, and F. Simon: Giant microwave absorption in fine powders of superconductors, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8, 11480 (2018).
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